For example, a multimedia program can play a segment of movie: a cat was playing a reel of thread, withmewing…. The tableau can a be immediately captured and pasted to a text at the side of a paragraph of words.
例如,一个多媒体程序可以播放一段电影:一只小猫正在玩线团,发出“喵喵”的声音……,这个画面可以立即剪贴到一段文字旁边。 |
For example, a network running a nationwide promotion for its upcoming health documentary might try to tie in various health products or companies.
例如,某电视网在为其即将播放的保健记录片进行全国范围的宣传时,可以搭配各种保健用品或公司的宣传。 |
For example, a new book could be evaluated to see what is might be good for and in what situations it could be expected to be successful.
比如,通过评估可以了解哪些将是有用的,以及在什么情况下可以如所期望的获得成功。 |
For example, a number of professional and college football games are played on Thanksgiving Day.
比如许多职业或大学的橄榄球队都会在这一天进行比赛。 |
For example, a number of professional and university football games are played on Thanksgiving Day.
例如,在感恩节这一天会举行由职业队和大学生参加的橄榄球比赛。 |
For example, a one-megaton nuclear warhead would need to be intercepted at an altitude of at least 10 kilometers to prevent the city from being incinerated by the heat of the hydrogen bomb.
举例来说,一枚百万吨级的核子弹头,必须在10公里以上的高空拦截,城市才不致于因为氢弹的热度而化为灰烬。 |
For example, a paper mockup won't form any part of a finished software implementation.
例如,一个纸上的模型不属于任何一个完成了的可执行的软件。 |
For example, a person can recognize the name Johnwhether it's being said by Gilbert Gottfried or James Earl Jones.
而研究人员想知道,海豚发出的声音中究竟包含了什么信息,能让它们识别出彼此的“名字”。 |
For example, a process controlling program may cause a mixer to stop when the mixer's contents reach a predetermined temperature.
例如,过程控制程序可能在搅拌器内的物质达到预设的温度时,停止搅拌。 |
For example, a psionic battleaxe might contain the trapped essence of a mind flayer, with the ability to manifest psionic powers in its own right: Metacreativity, Telepathy, and Clairsentience are all possible (disciplines keyed to physical abilities such
例如,一个包含夺心魔本质的灵能战斧可以有权自己展现异能:心灵创造、心灵预言和心灵附魔系都是可能的(关键属性为物理属性的能系则不行)。 |
For example, a psionic helmet might have the ability to manifest psionic powers in its own right: Metacreativity, Telepathy, and Clairsentience are all possible (disciplines keyed to physical abilities such as Strength are not eligible).
例如,一个灵能头盔可以有权自己展现异能:心灵创造、心灵预言和心灵附魔系都是可能的(关键属性为物理属性的能系则不行)。 |