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One of the small sections of a separable bulb, as that of garlic.

One of the side-effects of using your PC regularly is: the more you work, the more the storage on your hard disk gets distributed across the surface. 经常使用你的个人计算机会带来另一个副作用,那就是,你做的工作越多,所占用的硬盘空间就越多。
One of the signatories, the Soviet Union, no longer exists. 其中的一个缔约国苏联已不复存在。
One of the signs of a successful trader is having small losses and not huge ones. 成功的交易者是失去的少,而非损失巨大.
One of the simplest forms of a derivative is a stock option. 最简单的衍生工具形式是股票期权。
One of the simplest track –and field events is the long jump-a contest that measures who can jump the farthest horizontal distance. 跳远是最简单的田径项目,其标准是测量看谁能跳到最远的水平距离。
One of the small sections of a separable bulb, as that of garlic. 小鳞茎一种可分离鳞茎的一小部分,如大蒜的一瓣
One of the small sides of a right-angled triangle is 5cm and the perpendicular height drawn against the hypotenuse is 3cm. (一直角三角形的小边中的一5厘米和垂直高度反对斜边是3厘米拉。
One of the sons of Joiada son of Eliashib the high priest was son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite. And I drove him away from me. 28大祭司以利亚实的孙子,耶何耶大的一个儿子是,和伦人参巴拉的女婿,我就从我这里把他赶出去。
One of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table. 开球区台球桌的橡皮边和阻碍线之间的空间之一
One of the special topics of this periodical is the arrangement of the Highway Department of the Ministry of Communications, and another is the endowment insurance of the workers of highway bureau, in addition, great achievements of the Traffic Engineerin 本期中国公路新闻版块值得关注的主题一个是交通部公路司2002年的工作思路,其次是养护的改革与养老保险专题和一组表现交通部公路所设计研究室风采、展示其在交通工程方面成就的文章。
One of the staple Russian fares has always been kasha or porridge, which also has a ritual significance. 俄罗斯的主食之一一直就是麦粥或麦片粥,而且还具有礼节意义。

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