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By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.

By not working hard enough you defeat your own purpose. 你因不太努力,所以达不到自己的目的.
By now I'll assume you have a fairly convincing CG element composited into your background. 现在我肯定你有相当可信的CG元素合成到背景中了。
By now SDE has finished the next term contract with Jin Mao Tower, who has adjusted quite a few articles, including the rental and deposit. 钻交所与金茂大厦的新一期租赁合同已于日前签署完毕,金茂大厦对租金、保证金等多项标的进行了调整。
By now nearly every science fiction and film fan in the world is familiar with the opening credits of the Star Wars film series. 到如今全世界几乎每一个科幻小说、电影的粉丝都对星球大战系列电影的开场字幕都非常的熟悉。
By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane . 到这时,罗马帝国已日益衰败。
By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane. 到这时,罗马帝国已日益衰败。
By now these bears have used up most of the fat reserves that have sustained them since the ice melted. 目前,北极熊已经耗尽了绝大部分的体内脂肪,自从冰层开始融化以来,它们就依靠这些脂肪维持着生命。
By now this kind of decoder has been used in 1553B Bus Controllor LS-FT33 and be operating reliabilitily. 该译码器已经应用于1553B总线控制器LS-FT33中,至今运行可靠。
By now we each have a home-made computer. 现在我们每人有一台国产电脑。
By now we were beginning to get tired and the rain was falling heavily. 这时候,我们开始感到疲乏,雨也下大了。
By now you have gotten used to paddling around on the board without falling off. 现在你已经能适应趴在冲浪板上四处划水而不掉下去了。

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