Traditionally, dragons are considered to govern rainfall.
人们通常认为龙是主管降雨的神。 |
Traditionally, enterprises take environmental invest as a cost, and not wake up to it is also a advantage, so they are hard to take voluntary strategy, only if under the press of governmental regulation and relative stakeholder.
传统理念下,企业将环境管制和环境投资作为一种成本,并没有认识到通过环境保护构建竞争优势,因而很难采取自愿性环境战略,只有迫于政府管制或其他利益相关者的压力下才采取环保措施。 |
Traditionally, government departments and personnel work is based on the country's civil service system mostly, but its feasibility and applicability are not satisfactory.
而传统上政府部门人事工作所依据国家公务员制度又多具原则性和抽象性,相比之下其可操作性和适用性都比较差。 |
Traditionally, health practitioners have focused on diet and exercise - and a large dose of willpower - to treat the problem.
针对肥胖问题,健康学家们一直强调饮食和运动,还有坚强的毅力。 |
Traditionally, it is cooked in a large tin underneath a roasting joint of meat, in order to catch the juices that drip down, and then cut appropriately, although individual round puddings (baked in bun trays or small skillets) are increasingly prevalent.
传统的做法是将面糊放在烤肉下面的一个大罐子里烘烤(这样做是为了能够盛到烤肉滴下来的汁水),然后再按合适的大小将其切开,然而现在,更为盛行的做法是直接用烤小面包的盘子或小煎锅烹制,做出一个个独立的圆形布丁。 |
Traditionally, mordants were found in nature.
按照传统的方法,腐蚀剂从自然中提取。 |
Traditionally, most venture capital firms consisted of small, private limited partnerships utilizing capital furnished by wealthy individuals or corporations.
过去,绝大多数的风险资本公司都是小型、私有的合伙人有限公司,运转的资本则是由富有的个人或是团体提供。 |
Traditionally, plantain has been treated as a semi perennial crop with different plant arrangements in the field, according to the different agro-ecological zones and the growers objective.
根据不同的农业生态区域和种植目的,大蕉被当作具有不同种植方式的半多年生作物。 |
Traditionally, rigid lumbar cures hae been treated with a combined anterior and posterior approach; howeer, the absolute indications for this approach are unclear.
传统观点认为,强直的腰椎曲线应该用前后路联合手术治疗,而这种手术的绝对适应症仍不清楚。 |
Traditionally, scientific reasoning had been the trend in relevant research, with focus on how clinician to evaluate and treat patients' physiological impairments or physical disabilities.
叙事推理是职能治疗推理中最独特的,用来了解每个患者的生病经验,并据此,尝试赋予治疗活动意议。 |
Traditionally, sentence segmentation is cast as a binary classification task, where each potential boundary is classified either as the end of a sentence or not.
习惯上,把句子切分当着一个二分类任务,每个潜在的边界要么是句子的结尾,要么不是。 |