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Sample TextThe river is flooding over the river.

Samp have confirmed only an extraordinary offerwould see Quagliarella, who is under contract until 2010, leave the club this summer. 桑普多利亚表示除非一个“特别高的出价”才能买走夸雷亚雷拉,他的合约在2010年到期。
Samp win a throw-in on the right wing. The ball is played into the Nerazzurri box and Javier Zanetti blasts clear. 桑普在右翼赢得一个边线球,球掷到了国际米兰的禁区内,但被萨内蒂破坏。
Sampdoria and Napoli have made contact with Roma about Montella, though any move away will depend on the forward accepting a major cut on his present wages. 桑普多利亚和那不勒斯已与罗马就蒙特拉转会一事进行了接触,尽管这些转会都需视蒙特拉能否同意降低自己现有工资而定.
Samphantawong temple has asked the Fine Arts Department to arrange for a restoration of the structure. 三番塔王寺已要求美术部让该建筑物恢复原状。
Sample TextInternal error :could not create service control manager entry for sybase server 'xuedc-xp',operating system returned error:'operating system error=1057'. 然后服务器的配置就停止了,结果数据库也不能用,而且每次重装都出现相同的错误。请各位帮帮忙!
Sample TextThe river is flooding over the river. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
Sample analysis shall be conducted, if necessary, in areas listed above. 九、必要时,可对上述第一至八款所列区域进行取样分析。
Sample application, with classes for adding tooltips to treeview scrollbar and nodes. 这是一个示例应用程序,包括用来在树状视图滚动条和节点上增加工具提示的类。
Sample build in collaboration with product technician. 协助生产技术员完成电源模块样品生产。
Sample development, service and so on formula research. 样品开发,配方研究等服务。
Sample machinest? Do you means normal sewing worker? 样衣缝纫师?你是指普通缝纫工吗?

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