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Conclusions The migraine occurrence probably was relative to the strength of the L-arg/No iteral movement, L-Arg controlled hemoendothelial cells to set free ET, which was one of factors to prick up migraine.
论 偏头痛发生发作可能与L -Arg/NO通路活动增强有关 ,L -Arg增加抑制血管内皮细胞释放ET是偏头痛加剧的因素之一。

Conclusions Balloon attac hed pneumatic activation akida ligator (MD-870) is superior to sclerotherapy i n aspects of safety,varices elimination and complication management. 论 秋田注气及附加气囊MD - 87 0结扎器结扎食管静脉曲张在治疗成功率、安全性、消退静脉曲张及并发症处理方面均优于乙氧硬化醇治疗。
Conclusions CRT RC /CC together with JPB offer quantity methods to diagnose sub cretin. 论  CRT- RC / CC和 JPB共同为诊断亚克汀病提供了有效的定量方法。
Conclusions Explosive decompression could inflict lung injury like those caused by shock wave and rapid decompression (on large animal). 论 爆炸减压能引起类似冲击波和快速减压( 对大动物) 所造成的肺损伤;
Conclusions Frenkel training is effective to the patients of cerebellar ataxia,and can improve the ADL. 论Frenkel训练法对改善患者的小脑性协调障碍有效,并能提高ADL水平。
Conclusions If the value of NT is more than 90 percent of normal fetuses, and if BPD/FL ratio is morn than 90 percent of normal fetuses,the sensitivity of trisome should increase. 孕 0~ 周的孕妇 ,BPD/FL第 0百分位为 0~ 0。
Conclusions The migraine occurrence probably was relative to the strength of the L-arg/No iteral movement, L-Arg controlled hemoendothelial cells to set free ET, which was one of factors to prick up migraine. 论 偏头痛发生发作可能与L -Arg/NO通路活动增强有关 ,L -Arg增加抑制血管内皮细胞释放ET是偏头痛加剧的因素之一。
Conclusions The overall prognosis of peristomal recurrence after laryngectomy was awful and dismal. 论 气管造口复发癌预后极差 ,应注意预防。
Conclusions The presence of the Rokitansky Aschoff sinus is the basis of the occurrence of the intramural gallstone. 论:罗-阿窦变化是壁内结石定位的基础。
Conclusions These results demonstrate that the superior head of the pterygoid muscle is mainly involved in force and velocity production,playing an important role in the trusion of TMJ disc and the control of TMJ's location. 论 翼外肌上头部较下头部更兼备力量和速度 ,其在调控颞下颌关节盘位置及位移中起重要作用。
Conclusions Both RTN and RTN are expressed in the murine cochlea. The results provide further evidence for the interaction of RTN and RTN with Cx(connexin ). 论RTN和RTN基因在内耳有表达,为RTN和RTN与连接蛋白(connexin)蛋白的互作关系提供了进一步的证据。
Conclusions CpG-ODN can strengthen the antibody response and the proliferation of B cell induced by typhoid Tya. 论CpG-ODN可增强伤寒Tya疫苗诱导的特异性抗体应答及B细胞增殖。

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