Monitoring the quality during the project implementation.
监控项目的施工质量。 |
Monitoring the time schedule of the projects.
监控项目的时间进度。 |
Monitoring water supply & drainage system including firefighting water system.
监控给排水和消防水安装工程。 |
Monitors actively audit common property resource conditions and appropriator behavior and are accountable to the appropriators or are the appropriators.
监管人积极审计公共财产资源条件,拨款人的行为负有责任。 |
Monitors for the Middle East - What to Expect?
233第三方监控力量对中东意味着什么? |
Monitors on Sunday slammed Nigeria's election as a failure, but the government said criticism of the poll was intended to make way for a coup.
周日观察员纷纷批评奈国本次大选之失败,但政府宣称批评选举是企图为杯葛开路。 |
Monitors plant operations to make sure the operating plan is being meet.
监督装置的运行确保完成运行计划。 |
Monitors then use the information to conduct a conversationwhere audible neurophone input is appliedto the victim.
监控器接着利用信息,指挥“会谈”,那里可听到的脑听器输入“被应用”在受害者身上。 |
Monitors, also known as video display terminals(VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color.
显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs),有单色显示器和彩色显示器。 |
Monitors: Output device like a television screen that displays data processed by the computer.
终端机:像电视荧屏那样显示处理过的数据的输出装置. |
Monk &Chiling What is Yijinjing?
和尚&赤岭是什麽易筋经? |