L : We cut it ourselves. It's always fun to go out and get a tree.
(这是我们自己砍的,到郊外去砍树真有趣。) |
L : Who got the most gifts?
(谁得到的礼物更多?) |
L : Yes, madam. What's my share?
(遵命,长官。我的任务是什么?) |
L&A has a dynamic international design team, with over 100 established planners and designers from all over the world, as well as experienced local registered architects and project managers.
奥雅具备国内顶级的景观规划设计力量,包括一百多位来自世界各地的外籍设计师,国内一级注册建筑设计师、注册规划师和景观设计师,擅长向客户提供符合国际专业和本地水准规范的景观规划和设计。 |
L&A was awarded as one of “The Best 20 Planning, Architectural and Landscape Design firm” in the Shanghai Real Estate Exhibition in 2005 and one of ”The Most Valued Landscape Design Firms” in China Real Estate Expo, 2005.
奥雅公司于“2005年上海住交会”上获“中国二十大品牌影响力规划建筑、景观设计公司”奖;并在“2005年中国房地产细节展”上被评为“最有合作价值的景观设计机构”。 |
L-Alanine is a neutral, genetically coded amino acid. It is a crystalline amino acid, that is a constituent of many proteins.
丙氨酸是一种晶体状的中性氨基酸,是许多蛋白质的组成成份。 |
L-Arginine is a conditionally essential basic amino acid primarily involved in urea metabolism and excretion as well as DNA synthesis.
精氨酸是一种基础氨基酸,有助于尿素的新陈代谢和排泄。 |
L-Arginine is a conditionally essential basic amino acid,the building blocks of protein ;primarily involved in urea metabolism and excretion as well as DNA synthesis.
精氨酸是一种基础氨基酸,是蛋白质组成的基石,它从根本上解决尿素的新陈代谢和排泄。 |
L-Arginine: This amino acid is a precursor to nitric oxide (NO).
精氨酸:这种氨基酸是氮氧化物(NO)的前身。 |
L-Asparagine is a non-essential, neutrall, genetically coded amino acid. It is a crystalline amino acid, found in many plants, that is easily hydrolyzed to aspartic acid.
天冬酰胺是一种非必需的中性晶体氨基酸,许多植物里都有,易于水解为天门冬氨酸。 |
L-Aspartic acid is a non-essential, acidic, genetically coded amino acid. Found especially in young sugar cane and sugar-beet molasses.
天冬氨酸是一种非必需的酸性氨基酸,尤指从小的甘蔗和甜菜的糖蜜中提取的。 |