To My Friends Who Are….MARRIED.
给我那已婚的朋友们。 |
To My Friends Who Are…ENGAGED.
给我那已订婚的朋友们。 |
To No2good, art is not just a job; it is the best part of life.
对不二良来说,艺术不仅是工作,更是生命中最美妙的一部分。 |
To Oakeshott, the most serious crisis that roils today's universities results from a modernized attempt to define the social aimsof a university by appealing to Rationalism and the related notion of enterprise association.
对欧克秀而言,困扰著当前大学之最严重危机,乃肇因于一种诉诸理性主义以及与其相应的企业组织思维,来界说一个大学之社会目标的现代性企图。 |
To Obededom southward; and to his sons the house of Asuppim.
15俄别以东守南门,他的儿子守库房。 |
To Prince Henry the world owed credit for development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible. He lived in history as Henry the Navigator.
亨利王子对使远洋航行成为可能的海船技术的发展做出了贡献。他在历史中被称为航海家亨利。 |
To Prof.Smith I dedicated this volume in token of gratitude.
谨以本书献给史密斯教授表示感激。 |
To Promote and protect the knitwear and synthetic knitting manufacturing industry of Hong Kong.
促进及维护香港之羊毛化纤针织工业。 |
To Pursue the personality space(room) , this bedroom was designed quite novelly, and the furnitures in it go very well with style of the idea of space-design, whole space of the bedroom is personal and funny, it can be use as a game room or reading room.
追求个性空间此卧室空间造型新颖,现代潮流的家具跟整个空间的设计非常的融合,整个卧室空间既有个性又有幽默感,它既可作为玩电脑的游戏室,又可作为书气香香的书房。 |
To Readjust - Loosen lock nut on the adjusting screw.
重新调节:松开调节螺丝上的锁定螺母。 |
To Realize The Value Of One Day, Ask A Daily Wage Laborer Who Has Ten Kids To Feed.
想知道一天的价值,就去问有十个孩子待哺的领日薪工人。 |