Lee had written all of the group's commentaries, its hymnal was assembled by Him and the footnotes of its special translation of the Bible (the Recovery Version) had been written by him as well.
李已经写了该团体的所有圣经注释,该团体的诗歌也是由他编撰,再加上该团体自己特别翻译的圣经(恢复版圣经)的注解也都是由他写的。 |
Lee has dominated at earlier awards shows, taking the directing prize at the Golden Globes and the Directors Guild of America, the recipient of the latter almost always going on to win the Oscar.
如果在三月五号凭这个牛仔爱情故事“断背山”,李安将成为世上第一个在奥斯卡得到最佳导演奖的亚洲人。 |
Lee hit rock bottom after his divorce.
李在离婚以后陷入了最困难的境地。 |
Lee is really nosy. He's always asking about everybody's love life.
李很八卦,总是打听别人的感情生活。 |
Lee offered to bring some of the refugees to Daiwan for temporary job trainingand post-war construction projects.
救助方式有欲载一寡难民来台员接受短期耶就职训练﹐恪有战后建设耶工程。 |
Lee paid $15,000 for his new car.
可是,这辆车却是毛病百出。 |
Lee said he was focusing on traditions of behavior, not homosexuality.
李导说他所拍摄的电影主要是沿袭以往的传统色彩,而并非是以“性”为主色调。 |
Lee said that it took time for Wang to immerse himself in character, but that he was delighted by his progress.
李安说王力宏花了一些时间去溶入到角色中去,但他为力宏的进步感到高兴。 |
Lee serves up riveting crime drama as dark and unflinching as TV's finest cop shows.
李在书中描写的黑暗势力那么生动精彩,一点也不亚于电视电影上的那些警察秀。 |
Lee's Micro Systems, this is Mary.
李氏微电脑系统,我是玛丽。 |
Lee, C. P. and Y. B. Tsai (2003). Variations of P wave travel-time residuals before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake, Proceedings of the Chinese Geophysical Society Symposium, 199.
李健平、蔡义本(2005).台湾西北部地震活动之研究,中国地质学会九十四年年会暨学术研讨会,125. |