Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover.
41每年到逾越节,他父母就上耶路撒冷去。 |
Every year in America, high-school students who want to go on to college take a national examination called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT.
每一年,在美国想要继续上大学的高中生,要参加一项叫做学术性向测验的全国性考试。 |
Every year in July more than 100 clowns, 1,000 musicians, 700 horses and lots of animals, including elephants and camels, take part in a re-creation of a circus street parade from the beginning of the 20th century.
每年七月,100多位小丑、1,000名音乐家、700匹马及许多的动物,包括大象及骆驼,都会参加一个自20世纪初以来,就开始举办的重现马戏团街道游行。 |
Every year in accordance with school policy, a student candidate was chosen to travel and live in another commonwealth country for six months.
按照学校的规定,每年要挑选一名学生到另一个英联邦国家去旅行和生活六个月。 |
Every year in the spring, she would hold a recital for all her students.
每年春天她会为所有学生举办演奏会. |
Every year is that the west is also American popular tradition festival April Fool's Day on April 1.
每年4月1日,是西方也是美国的民间传统节日——愚人节。 |
Every year many tourists go to see the beautiful temples and carvings at Angkor. The carvings show scenes from Hindu and Buddhist stories.
每一年都有许多观光客到吴哥窟欣赏美丽的寺庙和雕刻。这些雕刻呈现出印度教及佛教故事的场景。 |
Every year my family hangs Ay Tsao on their front door.
每年我的家人都会挂艾草在前门。 |
Every year on the first Sunday nearest the 04 October feast day, many Catholic and other Christian churches around the world host services where animals are blessed.
每年在最接近10月4日节庆日的星期天,世界各地许多天主及其他基督教会都会主办礼拜,由此之故动物都已经被保佑。 |
Every year since 1875, this race has been held at Churchill Downs racetrack in Louisville, Kentucky.
自1875年以来,这场赛事每年都在路易斯维尔市邱吉尔唐斯的赛马场上举行。 |
Every year tens of thousands of neuroscientists, for example, converge to exchange data on how the brain works.
举例来说,每年都有数万名神经科学家齐聚一堂,交换大脑如何运作的资讯。 |