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Bureau sprit is the focus reflection of bureau collective consciousness, thinking inertia, behavior habit and working style.

Burdisso plays forward to Julio Cruz, who takes on Kompany, advances then plays square to Recoba. El Chino's shot from the edge of the box is blocked. 小布向前传给克鲁兹,克鲁兹突破孔帕尼后传给禁区前的雷科巴,雷科巴在禁区边缘的射门被挡出。
Burdock is a powerful blood purifier. 牛蒡为强力的净血剂。
Bureau Veritas Industry and Facilities Division (Hereinafter referred to as BV I&F) provides conformity assessment and technical consulting services in QHSE&SA fields to Chinese domestic as well as multinational companies, aiming at creating added value f 工业与基础设施部为中国及外资客户提供在质量、健康、安全、环境与社会责任领域的符合性评估和技术咨询服务,致力于通过风险管理和绩效优化为客户创造经济价值。
Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Sichuan,1991.Regional geology of Sichuan.Geological Publishing House,Beijing (in Chinese). 于鹏,王家林,吴健生,2001.有限差分法大地电磁多参数偏移成像.地球物理学报,44(4):552-562.
Bureau of Labor Statistics — A directory of job-based and consumer economic data from the US Department of Labor. 劳工统计局-名录就业型的经济数据显示美国消费者和劳工部.
Bureau sprit is the focus reflection of bureau collective consciousness, thinking inertia, behavior habit and working style. 摘要机关精神是以行政理念为核心的机关集体意识、思维惯性、行为习惯、工作作风等的集中反映。
Bureaucrats in Brussels are interested. 布鲁塞尔的官员对此感兴趣。
Bureaucrats, engaging in trade led to tradespeople's bureaucratization and further caused tradespeople's intervening with political affairs. 官僚经商导致了商人的官僚化,进而出现了商人干政的局面。
Bureaucrats, engaging in trade was very popular, which advanced the development of commodity economy in the Six Dynasties. 摘要官僚的普遍经商,促进了六朝商品经济的发展。
Burg JL, Perelman D, Kasper LH, et al. Molecular analysis of the gene encoding the major surface antigen fo Toxoplasma gondii 〔J〕. J Immunol, 1988, 141:3584. 陈晓光,江静波.应用聚合酶链反应技术建立弓形虫表面抗原基因的克隆与测定〔J〕.中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,1994,12(2):129.
Burger King and Pepsi references were in THE GAME, so we know they are sponsors. 游戏中涉及汉堡王和百事可乐,所以我们可推知它们是赞助商。

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