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Analyzed the reason of stress corrosion cracking on U shape brass tube bundle when it is having penetrative test with ammonia, improved technology of test and gave out the method should be paid attention to during the process of brass tube exchanger.

Analyzed from the experience of our school, this paper puts forward some opinions on analyzing theory and practice teaching, especially on higher vocational education mode. 通过对本学院教学经验分析,进行了理论教学和实践教学的探讨,尤其探讨了高职教育教学模式,提出一些观点。
Analyzed from the hypothesis as the basis of the criminal justice or the value of the system, restorative justice has quite different concept in contrast to the traditional criminal justice system. 无论是从构成司法制度基础的假设还是从制度设计所要实现的基本价值分析,恢复性司法都具有与传统刑事司法制度完全迥异的法哲学理念。
Analyzed more emphases on expounding the main steps and some key points of developments of the structure system of some radar equipment using the mentioned technology. 分析了在某重点型号雷达中采用自顶向下方法开展机械结构设计的过程和关键技术。
Analyzed the comprehensive summarize to the Bayesian networks, Retrospected the development history of the Bayesian networks, and also analyzed and depicted the current research field. 对贝叶斯网络进行了综合性的概述,回顾了贝叶斯网络的发展历史,并对该网络当前研究的领域进行了分析和论述。
Analyzed the importance of due process for sports organizations in sports discipline by case study; argued due process in sports discipline include elements as independent and no bias deciders, the right of notice, the right of fair hearing; discuss the d 通过案例分析法,探讨正当程序对于体育组织的重要意义;分析了体育纪律处罚正当程序应包括独立而无偏私的裁决者,被处罚者有权获知可能影响其利益的决定及有关理由、有权要求公平听证;论证了听证中的举证责任、证据水平、法律代理、交叉质证、处罚等问题;建议体育组织在公平与效率的平衡间要保证最低限度的程序公正。
Analyzed the reason of stress corrosion cracking on U shape brass tube bundle when it is having penetrative test with ammonia, improved technology of test and gave out the method should be paid attention to during the process of brass tube exchanger. 摘要对黄铜管换热器管束在氨渗试验过程中发生应力腐蚀,导致铜管破裂的原因进行了分析,改进了施工方案,并提出了黄铜管换热器制造过程中对管束进行耐压试验时的注意事项。
Analyzed the relationship of fully mechanized top-coal caving hydraulic support's stress state and enclosing rocks under the condition of large dip angle, and the main factors of influence support stability. 摘要分析了大倾角条件下综放开采液压支架的受力状态与围岩的关系,以及影响支架稳定性的主要因素。
Analyzed the similarity between scheme solving problem and traveling salesman problem (TSP), the scheme solving problem for conceptual design is transformed into an optimal path problem in combinatorial optimization, where the dynamic programming based so 摘要通过分析概念设计方案求解问题与旅行商问题的相似性,将方案求解问题转化为组合优化的最优路径问题,建立了基于动态规划的解空间模型和基于最长路径的优化模型。
Analyzed the strategic vision of staff in one hospital,including the satisfaction for current development, the SWOT analysis,the critical success factor analysis,and so on. 分析了A医院的职工对医院的战略发展意愿,包括对医院目前发展的满意度分析、对医院的外部挑战和机会、内部竞争优弱势分析、成功关键因素分析等。
Analyzes POS reports for market intelligence. 向市场部门提供定单分析报告。
Analyzes and plans work force utilization, workflow, and design layouts of equipment and workspace for maximum manufacturing efficiency. 分析计划劳动力的合理利用,工作流程、规划设备布置图使车间效率最大化.

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