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These bacteria are symbiotic with their human hosts—drawing sustenance from them, but also giving something in return by performing chemical transformations that human cells cannot manage and safely occupying ecological niches that might otherwise be colo

These attach themselves to nerve-cell proteins called AMPA receptors. 这些依附于神经元细胞自己的叫做AMPA接收器。
These attacks are a result of anything from disgruntled employees, to high school hackers, to spies digging for sensitive data. 这些攻击可能来自对公司不满的雇员,以及学校的电脑黑客、想挖掘敏感数据的间谍等。
These attacks are being analyzed, and we are regularly testing and implementing a series of fixes. 我们正在对这些攻击进行分析,并且有规律地进行一些测试并植入一些修正补丁。
These attempts called the Crusades failed in their military objective, but the contacts they created between oriental and occidental nations resulted in a massive exchange of ideas. 这些企图在他们的军事目标上就叫做十字军东征,但他们制造了东方与西方的接触,招致了大量的思想交流。
These backward folk were labeled as foolsby the general populace. 庆祝活动通常在4月1日结束。
These bacteria are symbiotic with their human hosts—drawing sustenance from them, but also giving something in return by performing chemical transformations that human cells cannot manage and safely occupying ecological niches that might otherwise be colo 这些细菌与它们的人类宿主处于一种共生的关系——尽管像那个宿主那里获取营养物质,但反过来能帮助人体实现身体细胞不能做到的化学反应或是防止病原菌侵入人体而保持生态上的平衡。
These bacteria break down proteins, which in turn release the smelly sulphur compounds. 这些细菌会破坏蛋白质,继而释放出味道难闻的硫磺化合物。
These bacteria can be thought of as an additional digestive organ. 这些细菌可以被认为是一个附加的消化器官。
These bad dreams find their counterpart in the less catastrophic accidents that befall stringed instruments in real life. 现实生活中,弦乐器也会遭遇这种噩梦般的突发事件,只是没有梦里那么惨痛罢了。
These bags are big and heavy. (这些袋子又大又重。)
These bananas are for the monkeys, those fish are for the cats. 这些香蕉是给猴子的,那些鱼是给猫的。

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