The interior design and background of Marriott property has really attracted a good number of travelers whom we call “achievement customers”.
万豪酒店历史悠久、背景深厚,建筑设计也相对严肃,因此吸引了大批“事业型商务客人”入住。 |
The interior design is very creative and artistic.
室内设计非常独特,有艺术水准。 |
The interior design of NEEZA features an open space philosophy.
在整体的内饰设计上,NEEZA体现了一种开放式空间设计理念。 |
The interior dimensions of brazing valve sockets are machined to the closest tolerances and finished smooth to promote full capillary attraction.
铜焊阀门插口的内部尺寸是经过机加工,具有最精确的公差和抛光表面,有助于实现完全的毛细吸力。 |
The interior dimensions of silver brazing valve sockets are machined to the closest tolerances and finished smooth to promote full capillary attraction.
银钎焊的阀门套管的内部直径的机械公差和表面光滑度要求非常精确,以确保有足够的附着力。 |
The interior is also very impressive, with Gothic vaulted ceilings and ironwork.
我想这是我见过的最棒的火车站,更像一座皇宫。 |
The interior of the Ebon Hawk is comprised of several sections, including a cockpit, crew quarters, medical center, tactical battlestation, cargo hold, and even a makeshift garage to store swoop bikes and modify equipment.
苍木之鹰的内部分为好几个区,包括座舱,船员区,医疗中心,战术作战部,货舱,乃至停放飞扑摩托和改进设备的车库。 |
The interior of the building is magnificent and luxurious
大楼内部装饰得富丽堂皇。 |
The interior of the country is incredibly rugged and almost one third of it is covered in trees.
挪威的内陆地形崎岖,近三分之一被树木覆盖。 |
The interior of the outlet is a non-smoking environment as we want to let people have the choice not to have 2nd hand smoke, but the front garden is a great place for friends who choose to smoke.
店内区在晚上是禁烟的.这是因为我们希望不吸烟的朋友们可以拥有不吸二手烟的权利.但是,选择吸烟的朋友们,小花园绝对是您的首选地区。 |
The interior of the storage tank shall be lined with a special resin coating.
热水炉容器内胆应该内衬特殊的树脂涂层。 |