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No matter how high the sky is or how deep the valley is, let them fly according to their own will.

No matter how hard you try it's hard to hide stains and smears on glass. 透明的东西总是藏不了污垢,玻璃上的污渍,叫人不费吹灰之力都能看得一清二楚。
No matter how hard you try, you could never replace him. No matter how long it takes for you to understand that,please leave her alone,as soon as possible. 无论你怎样努力,你都不可能替代他。不管你花费多久时间理解这个道理,请尽快离开她。
No matter how hard you try, you'll never lose your English accent. 无论你怎么努力,你都不会改掉你的英文口音。
No matter how heavy the box is you should carry it. 不管那个箱子多重你都要扛!
No matter how high I climbed, encumbered by my net and collection jars, these creatures were always just beyond my reach-like white and orange confetti settled on the treetops. 无论我爬得多高,我的捕蝶网和收藏瓶仍够不着它们,这些生物总是栖息在刚刚超过我能碰到的高度上,就象白色和橙色的五彩纸片一样高踞在树梢(点评:“树梢”应改成“树冠”,下同)上。
No matter how high the sky is or how deep the valley is, let them fly according to their own will. 无论天空有多高,无论山谷有多深,让他们根据他们的愿望自由飞翔。
No matter how is your plan, TEPO-AUTO will provide individualized and customized solutions for you. We'll provide operating mode and cost effectiveness according to your special area. 无论您的计划如何,TEPO-AUTO都会提供您个性化、客户化的解决方案,我们根据您特别的区域提供操作方式和成本有效性.
No matter how late he goes to bed, he always gets up early. 不管睡的多晚,他总是起得很早。
No matter how late you send out the samples as long as you can catch up the same delivery time. 不管如何,只要迟寄的样品能赶上相同的交货时间就可以.
No matter how long it may take us to over-come this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory. 不论要用多长的时间才能战胜这次预谋的侵略,美国人民兴正义之师必将赢得彻底胜利。
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. 不过,无论抵抗侵略者的困难有多么艰巨,勇敢正义的美国人民必将获得最后的胜利!

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