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A: Would you please tell me what the mandatory classes and elective classes for this major are?

A: Would you look at this! The utensils are dirty, the tablecloth is dirty. 您看看这个!这些肮脏的餐具,桌巾也是。
A: Would you mind holding on to this stolen radio for me? 你介意帮我拿著这台偷来的收音机吗?
A: Would you mind if I order? 我来点菜你介意吗?
A: Would you mind if I use your tape-recorder? 我用一下你的录音机行吗?
A: Would you please speak loudly,Tom? 汤姆你可以说话再大点声吗?
A: Would you please tell me what the mandatory classes and elective classes for this major are? 请问这个专业的必修课和选修课都是什么?
A: Would you prefer a standard room or a deluxe room, sir? 先生,请问你想要标准房还是豪华房?
A: Would you prefer first class or economy? 你想要一等舱还是二等舱?
A: Would you rather drink milk or orange juice? 你比较想喝牛奶还是橙汁?
A: Would you rather stay here or go back home? 你愿意留在这还是回家?
A: Would you seek for the legal means if the consultation cannot help resolve the dispute? 如果协商解决不了的话,通过法律就是说依靠国家权力来解决吗?

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