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Joe and I worked in harness on our last job.

Joe Sisson, Chickasha police chief, and Officer Harold Kuku had heard the statewide alarm for the Buick and were waiting for it. 切克沙镇警长乔·西森,警察哈罗德·库库,他们听到对别克车的全州警报,正等着拦截它。
Joe Smith had been brought up in an orphanage. 乔·史密斯是在孤儿院被养大的。
Joe Tanner and Heidemarie Piper are installing the power cables for a new solar array and its supporting truss. 乔坦纳和海德玛瑞皮珀正为新的太阳能系列安装电缆和支撑它们的支架。
Joe Torre never believed that. 但是托瑞老爹从不相信如此。
Joe and I are going to run in the race. 乔和我打算参加田径比赛。
Joe and I worked in harness on our last job. 在最近的一次任务中,乔与我通力合作。
Joe and Mary are a couple who share weal and woe. 乔治和玛丽是一对患难夫妻。
Joe and my father are getting along splendidly. 乔和我的父亲和睦相处得很了不起。
Joe caught at Bill's opinion. 乔支持比尔的看法。
Joe fell asleep in the chair. 乔坐在椅子上睡着了。
Joe felt proud when he put his John Hancock on his very first driver's license. 乔在他的第一张驾驶证上签名时,感到很自豪。

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