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When the conversation moves on to football, however, he is palpably more relaxed.

When the consignment is shipped the Company are to draw on your correspondents at 60d/s. 当货物装船时,该公司将向你方的往来银行开具60天汇票。
When the construction project is to be put into operation or use, their flood control works should pass the acceptance by the water conservancy administrative department. 建设项目投入生产或者使用时,其防洪工程设施应当经水行政主管部门验收。
When the contract is terminated at the request of the Insured, the Insurer shall be entitled to charge the premium calculated on the basis of the short period rating schedule set by the State Insurance Supervisory Authority for the time the contract has b 投保方要求终止合同时,保险方有权按照国家保险管理机关规定的短期费率表的规定,收取自保险生效日起至终止合同日为止的保险费,退还投保方原己交付的保险费。
When the contractions are formed, the semantic harmony between the Chinese characters becomes weak, and the pronunciations of the initials of the Chinese characters change. 缩略语构成后,汉字之间的语义协调出现弱化现象,汉字首字母的读音也发生变化。
When the control system senses an increase in solar panel temperature, the pump circulates the heat transfer liquid, and energy is collected. 当控制系统感应到太阳平板温度的增加,泵使载热流体循环,能量被收集。
When the conversation moves on to football, however, he is palpably more relaxed. 然而当话题转到足球上来,阿布看起来放松多了。
When the cooling air flow rate is greater, there is no an obvious core fluid rotation formed in the cavity. 当冷却气体流量较大时,盘腔内不能形成明显的旋转核心。
When the cooling fan is adopted, the forced air circulation of the low-noise fan will reduce the operating temperature of the winding so as to increase the output capacity up to 150% of the rating capacity. 当采用风冷系统时,低噪声风机通过强迫空气循环,可降低线圈的运行温度,即可增大容量输出至额定的150%左右。
When the country's wheat stocks are depleted within the next year or so, the entire shortfall will have to be covered from imports. 今后一年或两三年,当中国小麦储备全部用光之时,这个缺口将不得不统统依靠进口。
When the couple get married in the church they will also sign the papers required for a civil marriage. 当一对新人在教堂结婚时,他们还要签下缔结世俗婚姻所需的文书。
When the couple go to the farm, their relatives dine and wine them splendidly. 当他们夫妇俩去农庄时,亲戚们盛情地款待他们。

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