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Enable Danger Level 4 and you can place full grown buildings in your pockets. Very dangerous to drop in other towns. Play nice!

En route to Vietnam for an economic summit and a visit with communist party leaders, President Bush stops in Singapore Thursday. 在去越南参加一个经济峰会并与共产党领导人会面的行程中,总统布什星期四在新加坡作了停留。
En route to the university, we saw a tail-gate party near the stadium. (去大学的途中,我们看到在体育馆边有个车后集会。)
En él se encuentra el zoo de Kunming. 昆明动物园就位于其中。
En-snow particle drink make you keep sports type health drink, power of source, its unique stealthy snow and form particle (meal fibre),have wonderful mouth feel making people completely relaxed and happy. 这一切,将预示着隐雪类产品必将在饮料市场拥有自己独特的风景和无可取代的地位。
En: Cao is on a five-day official visit to Japan, the first by a Chinese defense minister to the country in nine years. 中:曹(刚川)正在对日本进行为期5天的正式访问,这是中国国防部长九年来首次访问这个国家。
Enable Danger Level 4 and you can place full grown buildings in your pockets. Very dangerous to drop in other towns. Play nice! 开启危险级别4你可以把装备完全的房子放在口袋里.不要扔在别人镇里!
Enable easy configuration editing by changing the save mechanism so that the previous data put into the configuration is not lost. 为避免以前输入组件结构中的数据丢失,用户可通过改变保存的零件装置,能容易地对组件结构进行编辑。
Enable or disable display of communications messages between GDB and the remote monitor. 启用或禁用在GDB和远程监视器之间通讯消息的显示。
Enable the Party to maintain its flesh-and-blood contacts with the people. 始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。
Enable the students to know human's breathing apparatus and their functions. 使学生知道人的呼吸器官,了解呼吸的意义和呼吸器官的作用。
Enable you to update your printer driver. 允许你更新打印机驱动程序.

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