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[bbe] Make songs of praise to the Lord, whose house is in Zion: make his doings clear to the people.

[bbe] Make me go in the way of your teachings; for they are my delight. 求你叫我遵行你的命令。因为这是我所喜乐的。
[bbe] Make my soul safe from the sword, my life from the power of the dog. 求你救我的灵魂脱离刀剑,救我的生命脱离犬类(生命原文作独一者)。
[bbe] Make no addition to his words, or he will make clear your error, and you will be seen to be false. 他的言语,你不可加添。恐怕他责备你,你就显为说谎言的。
[bbe] Make no addition to the orders which I give you, and take nothing from them, but keep the orders of the Lord your God which I give you. 所吩咐你们的话、你们不可加添、也不可删减、好叫你们遵守我所吩咐的、就是耶和华你们神的命令。
[bbe] Make rods of the same wood, plated with gold, for lifting the table. 要用皂荚木作两根杠,用金包裹,以便抬桌子。
[bbe] Make songs of praise to the Lord, whose house is in Zion: make his doings clear to the people. 应当歌颂居锡安的耶和华,将他所行的传扬在众民中。
[bbe] Make strong the feeble hands, give support to the shaking knees. 你们要使软弱的手坚壮,无力的膝稳固。
[bbe] Make two silver horns of hammered work, to be used for getting the people together and to give the sign for the moving of the tents. 你要用银子作两枝号、都要锤出来的、用以招聚会众、并叫众营起行。
[bbe] Make us glad in reward for the days of our sorrow, and for the years in which we have seen evil. 求你照着你使我们受苦的日子,和我们遭难的年岁,叫我们喜乐。
[bbe] Make wide the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your house be stretched out without limit: make your cords long, and your tent-pins strong. 要扩张你帐幕之地,张大你居所的幔子,不要限止,要放长你的绳子,坚固你的橛子。
[bbe] Make your way clear to me, O Lord, guiding me by the right way, because of my haters. 耶和华阿,求你将你的道指教我,因我仇敌的缘故引导我走平坦的路。

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