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I try to say goodbay and I choke,I try to walk away and I stumble,I try to play it off,but I'm dreaming of you,though I dearthat my word orumbles when you aren't here.

I try to lose weight,but ???????. 我试着减肥,但毫无效果.
I try to lose weight,but in vain. 我试着减肥,但毫无效果.
I try to maintain a robust sense of humor. 我尽量保持十足的幽默感。
I try to make my contribution every Sunday. “我试着在每个周末做出我的贡献。
I try to plan indoor activities, such as playing board games with my friends in air-conditioned coffee shops. 我试著规划室内活动,例如和我的朋友待在有冷气的咖啡馆里玩纸上游戏。
I try to say goodbay and I choke,I try to walk away and I stumble,I try to play it off,but I'm dreaming of you,though I dearthat my word orumbles when you aren't here. 我尝试说再见,但我哽咽,我尝试走开但我步覆蹒跚,我尝试着放弃但我还在苦苦地想着你,虽然我想隐瞒但很明显,我的世界没有你会崩溃!!
I try to seek alternative life styles. 我试着寻求其他的生活方式。
I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises. 我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体.
I try to sing a song, but in vain. 我想唱一支歌,但是唱不出来。
I try to stand up. Fail. Try again. Ribs scream. Knees turn to jelly. 我试著站起来。 不及格。 再一次试。 肋骨尖叫声。 膝准备成冻状。
I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon. 我试着在每个周日的下午小睡一会儿。

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