Cardiac arrest killed more than 300000 people in the united states every year.
每年美国有超过三十万人死于心脏骤停。 |
Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution.
用热稀释法测定心输出量。 |
Cardiac workup was normal and MR angiogram revealed only mild narrowing of the left posterior cerebral artery.
心脏检查正常,磁共振血管造影示左侧大脑后动脉轻度狭窄。 |
Cardiff chairman Peter Ridsdale, who once signed Fowler for Leeds United, has offered the former Liverpool ace a one-year contract.
加的夫城的主席彼得.瑞得斯代尔当年曾经为利兹联签下福勒,如今他又为这名前利物浦王牌提供了一年的合同。 |
Cardinal products, bedding manufacture, marketing, sales of plastic packaging products.
海棉制品,床上用品制造,销售,塑料包装制品销售。 |
Cardinal tetras are similar to Neon tetras in their requirements, but display a brilliant red stripe from eye to tail.
红莲灯和霓红灯在需求上非常相似,但是前者从眼部到尾部有一条明艳的红色条纹。 |
Cardinals from six continents open their first conclave of the new millennium today.
来自六大洲的枢机主教们于今日展开新千禧年第一次的枢机主教选举教宗会议。 |
Cardinals will deal with the day-to-day running of the Church until they elect a new pope at a conclave later in the month.
在由枢机主教在一个月内选举出新任的主教之前,日常的教庭事务将暂时交由枢机主教们处理。 |
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or CPR can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped.
心肺复苏或CPR能够拯救心脏停止的人的生命。 |
Cardiogenic shock and sudden death have also been attributed to myocardial bridging .
也曾有人指出心因性休克及猝死与心肌架桥有关。 |
Cardioid is directional on one side only, and is typically used for drums.
心形是单一的指向一个方向,非常适合用来录鼓。 |