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Both were worse for wear after the tussle. Zhang was rushed to hospital and given tetanus and rabies shots, while Gu Gu lost her appetite, Xinhua news agency reported.

Both were arrested and charged. 两人都被拘捕并受到指控。
Both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire sequence. 当2人都被唤醒时,她们对整个场景全部遗忘。
Both were invented by master mixer Michael Brown, who says roughly equal sales of the two drinks mirrors splits in the electorate. 这两种鸡尾酒都是由调酒高手迈克尔·布朗创制的。他认为这两款酒的销量大致持平,反映了选民在选举总统时的分歧。
Both were put through a hardcore regime, where they experienced pain like never before. 他们这两位选手经历体验了过去未曾有过的痛苦经验!
Both were sitting at home this time last year, and a couch or golf course is no place to cement an NBA legacy. 去年这个时间他们都呆在家里,躺在睡椅上或者看着和NBA没有任何关系的高尔夫比赛。
Both were worse for wear after the tussle. Zhang was rushed to hospital and given tetanus and rabies shots, while Gu Gu lost her appetite, Xinhua news agency reported. 新华社报导,人与熊猫厮打的后果是两败俱伤。张马上被送往医院,并接受了破伤风和狂犬病的疫苗注射。而熊猫古古也没有了食欲。
Both were wounded during their 145-kilometer inland detour. 两只鲸鱼都在游进内陆的145公里过程中受伤。
Both will stay in Iraq, for a while, and Afghanistan. 两位候选人都会留在伊拉克,至少一段时间内,也会留在阿富汗。
Both wiper arms will be replaced as a precaution free of charge to the customer. 作为一项预防措施,免费为客户更换左右两雨刮器臂。
Both work with speed, their skilful hands move rapidly, and the excitement of the contest makes the labor light. 两人都干得很快,她们的巧手飞速地运动着,由于比赛带来的兴奋使她们不感到活儿很累。
Both would ultimately report to the chairman of the NYSE. 两个分会最终都向纽约证交所董事长负责。

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