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He praised Vietnam, Cambodia for their avian flu preparations and singled out Burma , also known as Myanmar, for its open and corporative approach on avian flu issues.

He practices his English phrases, such as“That's cool”, whenever he is on his way in a car( The Benz is the shared property of Zhou Benchi and Bajie), or he is talking with his colleagues and boss, or he is eating in a canteen, or even he is in toilet. ——乃至于在坐公共汽车上班的路上(奔驰是和八戒合伙买的),在和同事聊天和老板谈话的过程,在食堂吃饭、在厕所如恭之刻……都不忘用英文来进行“酷毙了、帅呆了”的表达。
He practised tennis/the piano for two hours every day. 他每天下午练两个小时网球/钢琴。
He practises the piano every day. 他每天练习弹钢琴。
He praise somebody that he see but cuss it backside. 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。
He praised Vietnam and Cambodia for their avian flu preparations, and single out Burma , also known as Myanmar , for its open and cooperative approach on avian flu issues. 他表扬了越南和柬埔寨的禽流感预防工作,并特别指出了缅甸,因为他们对禽流感事件的开放和合作的工作方法。
He praised Vietnam, Cambodia for their avian flu preparations and singled out Burma , also known as Myanmar, for its open and corporative approach on avian flu issues. 他高度称赞了越南、柬埔寨禽流感预防工作,还特别指出,缅甸在禽流感问题上的开放和合作态度。
He praised and Cambodia for their avian flu preparations and single out , also known , for its open and cooperative approach on avian flu issues. 他称赞了越南和柬埔塞的禽流感预防措施,还特别指出缅甸在禽流感问题上的开放合作的方式。
He praised her for her courage. 他赞扬她很勇敢.
He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave. 他称赞我工作好,刚说完这话就让我离职。
He praised the dancers for their graceful and supple movements. 他赞扬了舞蹈演员优雅灵巧的舞姿。
He praises a man to the eye and says tale backside. 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

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