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“This is freedom of speech,” said one, pointing to her friend, who, like her, was wearing a short skirt and a tinsel wig, and carrying a yellow balloon.

“This is also more or less true for Milan. During the last Lega meeting I told both Massimo Moratti and Adriano Galliani that Buffon is untouchable. “如果转会的主角是米兰的话可能性倒更大些。在最近这次联赛会议上我告诉莫拉蒂和加利亚尼,布冯是非卖品。”
“This is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from Iraq, and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this. “这个法案是一个再次令美军慌忙撤出伊拉克的企图,而它是完全没有意义的。”
“This is an attitude which has led me to forget our past misunderstandings and look to the future,” concluded Trezegol. 正是这种态度是我忘掉了以往的误解,并决心展望未来.
“This is an empowering message. 「这是一种赋予能力的讯息。」
“This is an excellent sign for me, we are all curious to see this teamin action and I am probably the most curious one of all,” added theformer Chelsea boss. “这是个令人兴奋的信号,我们迫不及待的想看看球队的演练,很可能我是最想看到这一幕的人。”
“This is freedom of speech,” said one, pointing to her friend, who, like her, was wearing a short skirt and a tinsel wig, and carrying a yellow balloon. “这就是言论自由,”她们中的一个指着看起来像她的朋友说,这个人穿着一个短裙,佩带着一个金黄色的假发。
“This is grasping at straws, I know,” said the helpless man. “我知道,这是在抓救命稻草,”他无可奈何地说。
“This is my last hurrah,” the woman I met said. “This room is where I'll die. “这里就是我最后的乐土,”我探访的老奶奶说,“这个屋子也将是我去见上帝的地方。
“This is my reality now. It's just a matter of working hard and helping the team get back to Serie A right away,” concluded the 29-year-old striker. 这都已经事实.现在唯一要做的就是踢好每场比赛,帮助球队早日回到意甲.这名29岁的射手最后讲到.
“This is not a good time to borrow or lend. It is not too late to liquidate assets and move into precious metals, spreading out geographically. 「现在并不是去向人借贷或借出自己金钱的好时机。现在亦不是太晚去卖出资产和将所得的资金转移至贵金属,以及将资本分散在世界各地。」
“This is not the first halfling to have crossed your path. “这不是你遇到的第一个矮人吧。”

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