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The company offers the following key products to complete whole set machinery and equipment for cardboard box production :high-speed fully automatic printing and slotting machine; one color, double-color, three-color and four-color water-based printing ma

The company offered the job to someone else. 公司把这工作给别人了.
The company offers a broad range of vacuums, single discs, scrubber driers, carpet extractors and air blowers and distributes its products in China and the United States. 公司可以提供众多系列的真空吸尘器、单盘擦地机、擦洗干燥机、地毯抽洗机和干风机,其产品销往中国和美国。
The company offers both one and two-year contracts. 公司提供的合约有一年期与两年期的。
The company offers chalet holidays in switzerland. 公司组织住在瑞士休假小屋的假期。
The company offers financing for those who want to buy a new car. 这家公司提供贷款服务给想要买新车的人。
The company offers the following key products to complete whole set machinery and equipment for cardboard box production :high-speed fully automatic printing and slotting machine; one color, double-color, three-color and four-color water-based printing ma 公司产品主要有:高速全自动印刷开槽机;单色、双色、三色、四色水性印刷机;自动(吸风式)和半自动(链条式)轮转开槽切角机、四联开槽节角机、四轴分纸压线机、薄刀分纸压线机、钉箱机、粘箱机以及模切机等全套纸箱机械设备。
The company offers the good work environment and welfare ,a fine opportunity to be promoted. 公司为员工提供了良好的工作环境和良好的福利,并有良好的晋升机会.
The company offers the good work living environment and competitive welfare ,a fine opportunity to be promoted. 公司为员工提供了良好的工作和生活环境,具有竞争力的薪酬福利﹐并有良好的晋升机会.
The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation. 公司成立十周年纪念时贺电潮水般地涌到公司办公处来。
The company offices are commodious, dainty and comfortable, professional studio inside, modern facilities software and hardware are full-scale. 公司拥有宽敞、舒适优雅的办公环境,内设专业摄影棚,软硬件设施齐备。
The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇.

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