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Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.

Punctuated by leaps that can reach ten feet, the dance of the red-crowned crane is so arresting that Japan actually named a city for it: Maizuru, or Dancing Crane. 丹顶鹤的舞蹈中也包含高达三米的跳跃,它们的舞蹈如此迷人,日本人甚至以它们的舞蹈为一座城市命名:舞鹤。
Punctuation and capital letters. The first one has been done for you. 在每一个画线上只有一个错误。改上正确的标点和大写字母。第一个已经为你改好了。
Punctuation is integral part of written language, which plays a unique role in written texts. 摘要标点符号作为书面语言的组合构件,在生成书面语篇的过程中发挥着独特的重要作用。
Pundits and practitioners of modern warfare agree that things have changed significantly over the past several decades. 现代战争的评论家和实践者都同意在过去的几十年里状况发生了十分明显的变化。
Pungent , because this was for removing ground-in dirt and oil from beneath hardened fingernails and from calloused hands. 辛辣刺鼻,因为他要洗掉的是嵌在坚硬的指甲和满是老茧的手里的脏物和油污。
Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death. 14你要用杖打他,就可以救他的灵魂免下阴间。
Punishable by severe measures, such as death, long imprisonment, or loss of civil rights. 被褫夺公民权的被严厉的手段,如死刑、长期监禁或剥夺公民权所惩罚的
Punished for assisting the Sentinel in their mortal struggle, Zeus was exiled by the Gods and stripped of much of his power. 因为在凡间的斗争中对铁卫军的帮助而被惩罚,宙斯被诸神流放并且削去祂许多的力量。
Punisher - No reloading required - endless clips, When you run out of bullets your gun will drop and a fresh one will appear in your hands. 超级盾牌随机一秒的无敌模式(刀枪不入哦),当你看到身上闪蓝色的光,那就是正在无敌模式啦。
Punishing the demonstrators is self-defeating because it only encourages further demonstrations. 惩治示威群众可谓事与愿违, 因为这反而会激发起更多的示威游行.
Punishment by whipping or flogging. 鞭打惩罚,鞭笞惩罚

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