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They, however, don't know why cannibalism is a bad thing and that can be useful sometimes.

They've worked out a new plan. 他们已经制定出新的计划。
They, are suited to each other. 他们是美满的夫妻。
They, are the vagrant cats in Yan Nan Yuan, who are definitely the leading role in this group of pictures. 它们,就是燕南园里的流浪猫,我们这组图片的绝对主角。
They, as legal basis of the education administration, include the legal theory, constitution, statutes and the cases, settling the disputes between the civil rights and the education administration to boost the American education. 具体来说,其法律基础包括法理理念、宪法的规定、法律与行政的规定、法院的判决尤其是联邦最高法院的判决,它们平衡了公民权利与国家教育管理之间的冲突,保证了国家教育的繁荣。
They, for example, won't last more than a few hours on a single battery, don't come with built-in CD or DVD drives, and have less powerful processors than normalPCs. 例如,它们一次充电电池的使用不能超过几个小时,不能匹配内置的CD或DVD驱动装置,处理器的能力低于正常电脑。
They, however, don't know why cannibalism is a bad thing and that can be useful sometimes. 他们不知道为什么吃人是件不好的事情,不过有时吃人会带来点好处。
They, it turns out, are not ruling us out of their lives either. 他们,它关掉,没有在也从他们的生命规定我们。
They, not she, failed the test. 结果,总是他们而不是她输掉了比赛。
They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。
They, not unexpectedly, did not respond. 他们没有答复,这完全是意料之中的事。
They, the members of the Challenger crew, were pioneers. 他们——挑战者号全体机组人员是开拓者。

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