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Despite the reduced alumina content, the tensile strength of magnesia-hercynite and magnesia-galaxite bricks is kept at a much higher level compared to conventional top grade MA-spinel bricks even at high temperatures (1100℃).

Despite the quick exit, the Yankees insist that last year's results aren't a motivating factor this time around. 尽管很快的被淘汰,洋基仍然坚持去年的结果并不是这次的刺激因子。
Despite the rain we arrived there in time. 尽管雨下得很大, 可是我们仍然准时到达。
Despite the rainstorm, all Examination Authority exams scheduled for the afternoon were held as normal. 暴雨下考试局各科考试下午仍如期开考。
Despite the rapidity with which a dooryard became the woods again, there was still something of a south-facing clearing there. 尽管庭院很快就变为林地,但还是留有一些朝南的空旷地。
Despite the recent advances in treatment for psoriasis, it is still challenging in treating patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. 摘要虽然乾癣的治疗在近年来多有进展,但许多中重度病人的治疗仍是相当困难。
Despite the reduced alumina content, the tensile strength of magnesia-hercynite and magnesia-galaxite bricks is kept at a much higher level compared to conventional top grade MA-spinel bricks even at high temperatures (1100℃). 尽管减少了氧化铝的含量,但即使是在1100度的高温下,镁铁尖晶石砖和镁锰尖晶石砖的抗拉强度仍然比常规的顶级镁铝尖晶石砖高很多。
Despite the reduced oil content with increasing nitrogen rates, the highest oil production per hectare came from the highest nitrogen treatment. 尽管随着氮肥施用量的增加含油率下降,但每公顷最高油产量仍得自于最高的施氮肥处理。
Despite the regulatory headaches, Internet firms continue to expand and multiply. 尽管存在管理上的弊病,网络公司持续壮大。
Despite the restricted space, the painter has contrived to surround them with a host of symbols. 尽管空间局促,画家还是在他们的周围精心布置了一系列象征。
Despite the rights conferred by the state, the decision of whether or not to remain chaste remained personal. 然而,在国家所赋予的权益之外,「守节与否」似非寡妇自身主观意愿所能决定的选择。
Despite the sanctions, Russian president Vladimir Putin Monday ordered a long-planned pullout of Russian troops from Georgia to continue. 尽管实施了制裁,俄罗斯总统普京星期一还是下令继续按早就制定的计划从格鲁吉亚撤出俄罗斯军队。

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