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Method: To observe 100 patiects (2002-04~2004-10) after tracheal intubationand cardiopulmonary bypass in our department. and analyze the problems whichwere needed to be solved during clinic practice, and then standardize the nursing procedure and search f

Method: Thirty-Five patients with rectal carcinoma that had been misdiagnosed were analyzed retrospectively. 方法:对35例被误诊的直肠癌病例资料进行回顾性分析。
Method: Thirty-seven patients with headache and nasal obstruction after endoscopic treatment received a follow-up checkup. 方法:对内镜鼻窦术后头痛、鼻塞的63例患者行进一步检查,加强科室会诊,对病因行相应治疗。
Method: Thirty-two anterior feet of extensive avulsion injury were repaired with pedicled calf fasciocutaneous flap. 方法:用腓肠筋膜皮瓣带蒂治疗前足广泛挤压撕脱伤32例,其中显微修复皮神经30例。
Method: Three kinds of mice ulcer models induced by binding and water immersion-restraint stress (WRS), alcohol and reserpine respectively; the extent of gastric mucosal injury was evaluated grossly and histologically. 方法采用束缚水浸、乙醇、利血平诱导致小鼠急性胃粘膜损伤,以溃疡指数及胃粘膜组织学改变为指标,观察溃疡康对不同实验性胃溃疡小鼠胃粘膜损伤的影响。
Method: To analyse eleven cases with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, pituitary tumor, encephalomeningocele, sphenoid sinus cyst and ethmoid sinus tumor, were analyzed from 1998 to 2004 and beening followed up for 6 months to 6 years. 方法:分析我科1998年~2004年间经鼻内镜手术治疗脑脊液鼻漏、垂体瘤、鼻内脑膜脑膨出、蝶窦囊肿、筛窦癌等,资料完整、随访时间为6个月~6年的病历11例。
Method: To observe 100 patiects (2002-04~2004-10) after tracheal intubationand cardiopulmonary bypass in our department. and analyze the problems whichwere needed to be solved during clinic practice, and then standardize the nursing procedure and search f 方法;通过运用循证护理理论,寻找我科于2002-04~2004-10在100例体外循环术后气管插管患者在临床实践中需要解决的护理问题,规范护理程序,寻找最佳的护理措施,系统地按呼吸道管理程序进行护理。
Method: To present the technique of endobrow lift and transcalvarial suture fixation. 方法:经头骨固定法行内视镜上额拉皮。
Method: we have therapeutic evaluation vfore and afer cure to the patients. 方法:对病人进行治疗前后疗效评定。
Method:adopt the whole flock of sampling method, the selection University of Yanbian hospital works in the ICU of 51 nurses are to investigate object, adopting a nurse to work the pressure source measure watch as to it's carry on inquisition. 方法:采用整群抽样法,选取延边大学医院在ICU工作的51名护士作为调查对象,采用护士工作压力源量表对其进行调查。
Method; A total of 856 patients with allergic rhinitis were enrolled, and skin prick test was used in this study. 方法:选择856例变应性鼻炎患者作为研究对象,采用皮肤针刺试验确定变应原。
Methodical searches with bloodhounds, helicopters, and phalanxes of police have failed to turn up any clues. 警犬、直升机、大批警察四处寻找,没有得到任何线索。

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