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His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat.

His lawyer will defend him at his trial. 他的律师将在审判时为他做辩护。
His laziness drives me mad(angry). 他的懒惰使我气疯了。
His laziness has caused his displacement from office. 他的怠惰造成他被置换离开办公室。
His laziness makes it impossible for him to achieve success. 他的懒惰使他不可能成功。
His leadership and commitment to teamwork has made even the most ardent detractors take notice. 他的领导力和甘愿为比赛投入更多的防守和团队精神也让那些科黑闭嘴了不少。
His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat. 他瘦削的身躯裹在一件象牙色的阿富汗大衣中。
His lecture divides into three parts. 他的演讲分三部分。
His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery. 他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。
His lecture is on contemporary American novelists. 他的演讲是关于当代美国小说家的。
His left arm was broken. 他的左臂断了。
His left arm was hurt in an accident. 他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。

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