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He was found guilty and sentenced to condemnation.

He was forced to take the job in order to make a living. 为了谋生,他被迫接受了这份工作。
He was forthright about the difficulties of winding down the war in Iraq and gave an eloquent pitch for American intervention in Darfur. 他非常坦然地承认美军目前在伊拉克的艰难处境,并且为美国人对达尔富尔的干涉做了精彩的辩解。
He was fortunate to escape being injured. 他没受伤真是幸运。
He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss. 有人看见他枕著树叶和苔藓睡著了.
He was found dead in his bed. 他被人发现死在床上。
He was found guilty and sentenced to condemnation. 他被发现有罪,并且被定了罪。
He was found guilty by the court-martial and sentenced to imprisonment. 军事法庭判他有罪并判他坐牢.
He was found guilty of bigamy in American's first big polygamy case in nearly 50 years. 在这场美国近五十年来的第一桩一夫多妻的大官司当中,他被判犯了重婚罪。
He was found guilty of corruption for approving unsafe drugs. 他被发现通过允许不安全药物而收受贿赂。
He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判严重玩忽职守.
He was found guilty of obstruction. 他被判阻挡犯规。

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