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B: I'm as in the dark as you are.

B: I'm afraid that we can't accept D/P at sight. 恐怕我们无法接受即期付款交单。
B: I'm afraid this seat is taken. 恐怕这个位子已经有人坐了。
B: I'm afraid we have really made a great concession, and could not go any further. 恐怕不行了,我们确实已做出了很大让步,无法再增加了。
B: I'm afraid you can't. You'll have to go out there and walk around. 恐怕不能。你必须走到外面绕过去。
B: I'm an assistant professor of chemistry. 我是化学系的助理教授。
B: I'm as in the dark as you are. 我和你一样一无所知.
B: I'm clear as to why you call it turnover tax. 我清楚为什么称它为流转税了。
B: I'm cooling my heels until he lets me in. 在他让我进去之前,我只能等着。
B: I'm doing my report on consumer movements. 我正在写消费者运动的报告。
B: I'm flattered. I have a lot to learn from Bill Gates. Now I've only made a little success. There's a long way to go. 过奖了。比尔·盖茨还有很多值得我学习的呢!现在,我只是取得了一点小小的成功,前方的路还长着呢。
B: I'm fond of reading. Mark Twain is my favorite writer. What about you? (我喜欢看书。马克·吐温是我最喜欢的作家。你呢?)

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