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A pointless dispute over niggling details.

A pointed tool, such as a spike or chisel, used for breaking rock or ore. 钢楔一种如尖铁或凿子等有尖的,用于劈裂岩石或砂石的工具
A pointer cursor in the system-wide system pointer cursor list. 一个系统级的鼠标指针列表中的鼠标指针。
A pointer to a MSG structure that contains the message to process. 一个指向MSG结构的指针,该结构包含了要去处理的信息。
A pointer to another document. 用于指向其它文档。
A pointer-related event such as up, down, drag, move. 指示器相关的事件,如上、下、拖曳和移动。
A pointless dispute over niggling details. 在琐碎小事上的一次无礼争吵
A poisonous plant occuring in several varieties. 嚏根草实际上是指嚏根草属里的任何一种草,有毒。
A poisonous protein found in the seeds of the rosary pea. 毒蛋白质在相思豆种子里发现的一种有毒蛋白质
A poker version of the classical “Zig-Zag Lady” illusion. The lady is sawed and restored in front of your eyes! 经典的「刀锯美人」幻象重现在扑克牌上,樸克美人被割成两份后,竟然奇迹地还原!
A polar bear cub plays near his mother at the Moscow Zoo. 在莫斯科动物园里,一只小北极熊在他妈妈身边嬉耍。
A polar bear has a preference for cold weather. 北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气。

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