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An additional manufacturing facility in Chengdu, China has been opened in order to increase the company‘s capability to meet strong demand for replication products.

An additional charge is made for heavy bags. 重的提袋另需加费用。
An additional check can be made by removing the enclosure cover and momentarily placing a jumper (or 20,000 ohm resistor) across terminals 9-10 on the control. 通过拆卸外壳盖板,并立即将跨接线(或20,000欧姆电阻)并联在控制装置的接线端子9-10上,能够再次进行测试。
An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease. 副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联
An additional dose of calcium before bed will suffice and help prevent cramps. 每晚睡前一片钙片就足以避免休息抽筋了。
An additional eight medium-sized new casinos and eight large ones will also receive licences. 此外还将发放8张中型赌场和8张大型赌场的牌照。
An additional manufacturing facility in Chengdu, China has been opened in order to increase the company‘s capability to meet strong demand for replication products. 公司新近在中国成都建立了一个工厂以增强公司的生产能力,满足强劲的市场需求。
An additional problem related to precipitation of calcium is that the sodium hazard of the water itself is increased by virtue of increasing the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). 与钙沉淀相关的另一个问题是钠吸附比(SAR)的增加造成水本身的钠害加重。
An additive that disperses bubbles that may form in offset dampening solution or screen printing inks during printing. Antifoaming agents are also added to plate developers and processors. 中义抑制印刷中的平版水槽液或网版油墨空气泡沬的产生,防泡沬剂也会加在印版显影剂或冲版机中。
An address often reflects the strict hierarchy and the concepts of superiority and inferiority. (称呼)往往是严格的等级制度和尊卑观念的反映。
An address term, or address form, refers to the word or words used to address somebody in speech or writing. 称谓语或称谓形式指口头语和书面语中用于称呼某人的词语。
An address that usually tells a processor to use a service routine. 一种地址,它通常指示处理机去执行一个服务例行程序。

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