Thought Princeton was a magical place? At least one young wizard agrees.
普林斯顿是一个神奇的地方吗?至少有一位年轻的魔法师表示同意。 |
Thought and concepts have gestalt properties. They have structures that go beyond putting together building blocks.
那些概念,如果没有直接建立在经验基础上,而采用了比喻和心理意象,那么推理和思考就是虚构的。 |
Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution.
想法导致异端,异端招致惩罚. |
Thought he is a amateur,he is the top-ranking superior!
虽然他只是个业余爱好者,但却是一流的高手. |
Thought is a mirror ; it shows man the ugliness and the beauty within him .
思考是一面镜子;它让人看到其自身的美和丑。 |
Thought is an end in itself, like music.
思想是目的本身,就如同音乐一样。 |
Thought is atomistic and algorithmic; it can be broken down into 'building blocks' which are combined and manipulated by formal logical rules.
思想,像原子似的,具有算法规则;它能分解为可组合的“积木”,按形式逻辑规则进行操作。 |
Thought is great and swift and free , the light of the world , the chief glory of man .
思想是妙不可言、闪烁飞逝和无拘无束的,它是世界之光,是人类最引以自豪的荣耀。 |
Thought is the seed of action.
思想是行动的种子。 |
Thought of Harmonious World proposed by Hu Jintao has innovated Man's Theory of World History.
胡锦涛同志提出的和谐世界思想,继承并创新了马克思的世界历史理论。 |
Thought once awakened does not again slumber .
思想一旦被唤醒,就再也不会沉睡。 |