Anti-bacterial:Suppressing growth of harmfull bacteium during a long time.
抗菌:可长时间抑制有害细菌生长。 |
Anti-cancer of the intestine effect:: ya ma ren (flax seed) contains large amount of soluble fiber which can reduce the toxicity of the digested substances and speed up the secretion of the feces, thus reducing the duration of the time of stimulating subs
对防治肠癌的作用﹕富含纤维素,可减轻肠道中消化物产生的不良影响﹐加快肠道中废物的排泄,减短对肠内黏膜有剌激性的物质在肠道中停留的时间。 |
Anti-coagulants are 5)pumped into the blood to stop it from 6)clotting and the heart is kept pumping until the 7)technicians are sure that the chemicals have passed through every 8)vein and into the brain.
一在血液中打入抗凝血剂以阻止血液凝结,心脏也持续抽送血液,直到技术人员确定化学药物已经通过所有血管并进入脑部。 |
Anti-corruption investigators allege a principal fireman at Ma On Shan station helped his subordinates get favourable appraisals in return for benefits including a second hand car, a mobile phone and a gold bracelet.
廉署调查人员发现马鞍山消防局一名消防总队目涉嫌收受多名消防员送礼,包括二手私家车、无线电话和金手链,然后给予送礼的消防员良好的评语。 |
Anti-de sitter space, although it is infinite, has a “boundary,” located out at infinity.
反德西特空间虽然无穷大,却有个位于无穷远的“边界”。 |
Anti-discrimination is an important measure for an equal opportunity.
反歧视是实现平等机会的重要措施。 |
Anti-drug groups, which dispute the medicinal benefits of marijuana welcomed the Supreme Court decision.
那些反对药用化大麻的反毒品组织欢迎法院的决定。 |
Anti-estrogen drugs such as tamoxifen (Novaldex) are a standard treatment for hormone-dependent breast cancer.
抗雌激素药物如他莫昔酚是激素依赖性乳癌的标准治疗。 |
Anti-fat injections are one of the most hotly debated procedures in cosmetic medicine because they are spreading faster than the science behind them.
反胖注射是一那最暑热地在化妆用的药中辩论步骤因为他们正在传布得比在他们后面的科学更快速。 |
Anti-fighters are also inexpensive, because their armament is limited.
反战斗机一样不贵,因为他们的武器很有限。 |
Anti-globalisation protesters have occasionally trashed its coffee shops; posh neighbourhoods in San Francisco and London have resisted the opening of new branches; and the www.ihatestarbucks.com.
这位星巴克的”全球战略家“与主席偏爱答腊岛的热咖啡,不加牛奶,不加糖,直接从压榨机中出来的-------这种纯咖啡,事实上,为很多不喜欢星巴克的人所偏爱。 |