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What a shock! What a shame! Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.

What a shame that it rained on the day of your garden party! 多可惜啊,你开园游会那天下雨了!
What a shame to go bust)when we're just getting)started! 去半身像什么羞愧)当我们正在仅仅得到的时候)启动!
What a shame you didn't win! 你没赢,真遗憾。
What a sheer irony that would be! 这是多么的讽刺啊!
What a shock! I thought you might have been killed by Captain Deadwood. 真的吓了跳。我还以为你已经被朽木队长杀死了。
What a shock! What a shame! Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well. 多么让人吃惊,多么让人羞愧啊!现在他不得不住在自己建造的那所粗制滥造的房子里了。
What a shocking state of affairs! 局势真惊人哪!
What a sight you look in those old clothes! 你穿上那些旧衣服样子可真怪!
What a sod this job is proving to be! 这事儿可真棘手哇!
What a sour face she has! 她的脸色多难看!
What a special night in my life! 这是我一生中最特别的夜晚!

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