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Both brothers are the spitting image of their father.

Both bone meal and blood meal give mourishing value as high as that of the imported fish meat. 品种有:裘皮大衣、水洗猪鬃和半成品猪鬃、骨粉、羽毛粉、血粉。
Both books highlight the human element of science. 两本书都重点谈到科学中人的因素。
Both borrowed partially (but not exclusively) in a form of short-term debt known as asset-backed commercial paper. 这两类载体均部分(但不是绝对)通过那类由资产抵押商业债券来借入短期贷款。
Both boys are trying to make sense of the world while seeking stability and independence. 两个男孩都在寻求安定和独立的过程中,试着弄懂人世的意义。
Both brain and meridian are great topics for science and technology. 摘要大脑与经络研究是国际科学技术界的两个重大课题。
Both brothers are the spitting image of their father. (两位兄弟的长相与他们的老爸几乎一模一样。)
Both cases are analogous to how a rounded floating object will orient itself with its heavy end downwards. 两者的情形就像是一个圆形的漂浮物体将会如何用它的重结束向下向东它本身。
Both cases presented as posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, which were depicted as vasogenic edema predominantly within the territories of the posterior circulation. 两个病人都表现出可逆性后方脑症候群,其特征是源自血管因子的水肿,主要发现于脑部的后循环区域。
Both cases showed extremely low levels of alkaline phosphatase. 两个病人之血中硷性磷酸酶皆呈现极低之数值。
Both cases underwent excisional biopsy by orthopedic surgeons. 两名病例先前均由骨科医师运行切片手术。
Both cases were operated under the impression of choledochal cysts, and were found by intraoperative cholangiopancreatography to have dominant dorsal ducts. 在手术中进行胆道胰管摄影发现皆为背胰管优势。

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