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The mess hall advocates the implementation of 5Rfield management (regular arrangement, regular tidiness, regular cleanness, regular normalization and regular improvement), which is related to dietetic hygiene and food safety, economy and profit, the ameli

The mes no matter,I'm on fire! 不管怎么说,我走火入魔了!
The mesh of copper tubes and loading ways of the balls are the key problems during three dimensional FE simulation of ball spinning of inner grooved tubes. 摘要内螺纹管滚珠旋压三维有限元模拟中,铜管的网格划分和滚珠加载方式是模拟的关键问题。
The mesh, along with the corresponding materials and textures are loaded. The mesh is ready to be rendered to the display, as described in Step 2: Rendering a Mesh Object. 模型连同相应的材质和纹理都已载入,模型已经准备好用于显示渲染,接下来我们看看第二步:渲染一个模型对象。
The meshless local Petro-Galerkin method was applied to the calculation of two-dimensional elasticity mechanics problems by choosing proper weight functions and basis functions. 摘要通过选取合适的权函数和基函数,将无网格局部伽辽金法用于二维弹性力学计算。
The mesial is the surfaces of the tooth that faces toward the front or midline of the mouth. 近中面是一个牙齿面向口腔的前方或中线的面.
The mess hall advocates the implementation of 5Rfield management (regular arrangement, regular tidiness, regular cleanness, regular normalization and regular improvement), which is related to dietetic hygiene and food safety, economy and profit, the ameli 摘要军队食堂推行以“勤安排、勤整理、勤清洁、勤规范、勤改进”的“五勤(5R)”现场管理,该管理模式关系到饮食卫生和安全,关系到节约与效益,关系到工作环境的改善,调动了军队炊管人员的工作积极性和主动性。
The message All cigarettes are toxicwarns that colouring, numbering and descriptions now used on cigarette packaging falsely suggest low-tar cigarettes are less unhealthy than full-strength ones. “所有烟草都有毒”这一信息告诫人们,如今在香烟盒上使用的颜色、数字及文字描述都错误地提示,低焦油含量的香烟较之于足量焦油香烟对健康的危害要小。
The message Bad Command or File Nameis about asinformative as If you don't know why I'm mad at you,then I'm certainly not going to tell you. 电脑讯息「指令或档案名称错误」给的暗示程度,就像女生说「如果你不知道我为什麽被你气疯了,别指望我会告诉你」一样少。
The message He's lyingwas placed in the copier, and police pressed the copy button each time they thought the suspect wasn't telling the truth. “他在撒谎”的字样事先放在复印机中,每次警察认为嫌疑犯没讲真话,他们就按“复印”键。
The message about sex and relationships that she had gotten as a child . . . was confused , contradictory . Sex was for men, and marriage , like lifeboats , was for women and children. 她所知道的有关性和关系的信息就像一个小孩子---是困惑的,对立的。男人只有性,而结婚对于女人和小孩就像救生艇。
The message asked, Will this bottle see the sun? 卡片上写着:“这只瓶子还会见到阳光么?”

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