When the mines are attracted to the ship your ship will automatically send out any mine deflectors you have.
当你的船只受到水雷攻击时,它将会自动放出你的水雷偏导器。 |
When the minute is over, ask yourself,Am i willing to keep holding on to this negative emotion as i go through the rest of the day?
当一分钟结束时,问自己:“我是否想在今天余下的时间里继续保持这种消极的情绪?” |
When the miracle of metamorphosis is complete, the eclosing, or rupture of a chrysalid, is one of nature's most sublime moments.
当蜕变奇迹完成后,蝴蝶破蛹而出是大自然最神奇的时刻之一。 |
When the mist arrives, O. unguicularis tilts its body forward into the wind, and moisture rolls down its fused elytra into its mouth.
当雾气来袭,沐雾甲虫会把身体前倾入风中,好让水气顺著黏合的翅鞘滚入口中。 |
When the moat is deep a ladder can be used.
城壕深了架梯子;问题总有解决的办法。 |
When the model is applied to traffic flow without overtaking flow, the flow-density relationship is obtained.
将模型应用于无超车换道交通流,求出了流量和密度之间的关系。 |
When the moisture content is below fibre saturation point, the movement of absorbed water is subdivided into two parts: one is diffusion transfer due to the vapor pressure gradient, the other is moisture movement caused by the pressure fluctuation due to
在纤维饱和点以下时,木材内部吸着水的迁移可分为:水蒸汽压力梯度下的扩散迁移和由于干燥介质压力的波动而引起的浮动压力下的迁移两个部分。 |
When the moment arrives bedlam breaks forth.
当新的一年的一刹那到来时,喧闹声骤然四起。 |
When the moment of truth came, it was a strength greater than mine that took over.
当事实到来的那一刻,它比我感受到的更加强烈。 |
When the monk saw him, he laughed. That's more like it!
当和尚看到他,就大笑了起来“是了! |
When the moon is at its full, it begins to wane.
月盈则亏。 |