For instance if your fast center forward is up against a quick defender switch him to the other side where he might be up against a slower person etc.
比如你的快前锋刚好和对方速度快的后卫相对位,你可以考虑将他换到另一边,也许就可以面对一名速度相对较慢的后卫。 |
For instance in the animated cartoon Taishancenter, Taishan's modelling design has the very big difference with other character images, his image sense has animal's fond of the countryside characteristic, for instance his imitation orangutan's crawling mo
比如在动画片《泰山》中,泰山的造型设计与其他人物形象有很大的区别,他的形象更觉有动物的野性特征,比如他的模仿猩猩的爬行动作,爬行时手指蜷曲,完全是猩猩的模样。 |
For instance in the first semester you'll be doing four subjects psychology sociology history and economics.
例如第一学期你要学四门课程经济学、社会学、历史、心理学。 |
For instance in yours closet or the cabinet, wants to try?
比如在你的衣柜或者橱柜,想试一试吗? |
For instance the pirates will run around with a dagger which can be used to stab the opponent team.
例如海盗就会带着短剑在球场跑来跑去,并用来刺伤对手球队。 |
For instance we may be stuck in a rut where we keep trying the same things with little or nothing to show for our efforts.
例如,我们总是陷入一种几乎一样的路子而简直没有展示出自己的努力。 |
For instance, Alex Au, a Stanford Ph. D. from Hong Kong, has set up a Taiwan factory to challenge Japan's near lock on the memory-chip market.
比如说,亚历克斯.奥,一位来自香港的斯坦福大学博士,已经在台湾建厂,对日本在内存条市场上近似垄断的局面提出了挑战。 |
For instance, Beethoven's variations (Example 1.2) provide opportunities to listen for elaborationson the simplesin different contexts -- instrumentation, texture, same-different, dynamics, range/register, and character -- what generates the changes in ch
例如,贝多芬的变奏曲(范例1.2)提供了在不同的情况里聆听到“简单结构”在不同的变化中—配器,织体,相似处—相异处,力度,音域范围,和特质—什么造成了特质的变化,以及变奏曲发展过程当中什么是持续的“线索”? |
For instance, California asparagus harvesters, mostly from Mexico, have had to work in substandard conditions for virtually nothing.
例如加州的芦笋收割工大多来自墨西哥,他们必须在低于标准的环境中工作,且所赚无几。 |
For instance, I can instantly know the constant distance.
例如,我可以即刻知道该恒定距离。 |
For instance, I might ask you during the workshop to think in a particular way about the text we are discussing, or to address particular questions about the text which I think could help every writer in the class in thinking about her or his own work.
举例来说,在讨论中我可能会请大家朝一特定方向去思考所讨论的作品,或问一些特定的问题,帮助大家反思自己的作品。 |