The Nobel Committee sends confidential forms to persons who are competent and qualified to nominate.
虽说该委员会50年后才能公布提名人选.但是当事人能不能自己说出来呢? |
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 was awarded earlier this month to economist Muhammad Yunus and his Bangladeshi microfinance organization, the Grameen Bank.
本月早些时候,2006年诺贝尔和平奖授予了经济学家穆罕默德·尤讷斯和他的孟加拉小型金融组织——格拉明银行。 |
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the International Atomic Energy Agency and its director, Mohamed El Baradei.
国际原子能机构及其总干事巴拉迪获得今年的诺贝尔和平奖。 |
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an organization co-founded by BWH cardiologist Bernard Lown, MD.
1985年---为奖励在预防核战争中的努力,诺贝尔奖金颁发给了国际内科医师组织。这个组织是由布赖海姆女子医院的心脏病专家伯纳德.劳恩博士合作创办的。 |
The Nobel Prize Winner made valuable contributions for this field of research.
这位诺贝尔获得者为这一领域的研究做出了很大贡献。 |
The Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Melvin Calvin of the University of California at Berkeley.
美国加利福尼亚大学的梅尔文·卡尔文获得诺贝尔化学奖。 |
The Nobel Prize was founded by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel.
诺贝尔奖由瑞典发明家阿弗雷德·诺贝尔创立。 |
The Nobel Prize winner contributed much to the research in this field.
这位诺贝尔获得者为这一领域的研究做出了很大贡献。 |
The Nobel Prize winner contributed substantially to this field.
这位诺贝尔获得者为这一领域的研究做出了很大贡献。 |
The Nobel Prize winner contrituted much to this field research.
这位诺贝尔获得者为这一领域的研究做出了很大贡献。 |
The Nobel Prize winner made a great contribution to this field.
这位诺贝尔获得者为这一领域的研究做出了很大贡献。 |