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During the period of the Tenth Five Year Plan, we shall introduce foreign investment mainly in aquatic resources protection, development of water areas for fish breeding, disease protection for aquatic product and ecological environment protection, worksh

During the period of school oneself once served as the leader of class, student leader, organize a large student's activity, have the stronger organization to adjust the ability harmoniously;Own the good social interaction, the ability is diligent, having 在校期间本人曾担任过班长、学生会主席,组织过多项大型的学生活动,具有较强的组织和协调能力;拥有好的人际关系,能吃苦耐劳,具有良好的心理素质,很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面队任何困难和挑战。
During the period of school work hard to study the software plait distance, combine to be engaged in the software plait work, can say that is what have no problem to the operation calculator.Work hard to study the accountancy again after, be engaged in th 在校期间努力学习软件编程,并从事软件编成工作,可以说对操作计算机是没有任何问题的.之后又努力学习会计,在天津市海天电器商行从事会计工作长达两年,工作其间负责一切会计事项,对会计工作的具体事项是比较了解的!
During the period of shut - down of a heated crude oil pipeline,the temperature drop of oil will make its viscosity rise and even result in the frozen pipeline,it will cause difficulty for restart of pipeline. 在加热原油管道停输过程中,油品温度下降,粘度上升,有时甚至出现冻管事故,常常给再启动带来困难。
During the period of tenancy, Party B shall pay monthly all charges for usage of water, electricity and gas based on the actual consumption amount billing from the management office. 乙方在租赁期内所用的水、电、煤气,管理公司每月按实际耗用量结算,乙方按单缴付。
During the period of tenancy, unless with the agreement of Party A, Party B cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property. 2租赁期内,未经甲方同意,乙方不能转让其所租房屋,私自转让无效。
During the period of the Tenth Five Year Plan, we shall introduce foreign investment mainly in aquatic resources protection, development of water areas for fish breeding, disease protection for aquatic product and ecological environment protection, worksh 十五期间,按照发挥优势、突出重点、多元投入、加快发展的工作思路,引进外资投资重点将围绕:水产种质资源保护、开发利用及育种;宜渔水域持续开发利用;水产病害预测及生态防治;集约化、工厂化鱼、虾、蟹、贝养殖,渔业资源开发及保护利用;水产品加保鲜及综合利用等。
During the period of the exercise of their functions in the people's courts, the people's assessors are members of the divisions of the courts in which they participate, and enjoy equal rights with the judges. 人民陪审员在人民法院执行职务期间,是他所参加的审判庭的组成人员,同审判员有同等权利。
During the period of the tenancy, all charges for use of water, electricity and gas are payable by Party B monthly according to consumption, and on receipt of bills. 1乙方在租赁期内所用的水、电和煤气费用,每月按实际耗用量结算,乙方按单缴付。
During the period of validity of the agreement, either party shall be entitled to make proposal of amendment to the agreement and the agreement amended shall go into effect with the signature of the two parties. 在协议的有效期内,任何一方都有权提出对协议进行修改,修改后的协议经过双方签署后才能够生效。
During the period, I was engaged in surveying, road design, site supervision, and structural design for multistory buildings. 在此期间,我进行了勘测、道路设计、工地监督和多层建筑物的结构设计。
During the pirouettes (half-pirouettes) the horse should maintain his impulsion, and never in the slightest way, move backwards or deviate sideways. 定后肢迴旋(定后肢半迴旋)期间,马匹应当保持其前进气势,并且绝不能稍稍后退或稍稍偏偏向一方。

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