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Moreover, with the analysis of its utility function, due to low current utility, poor inspection ability and less loss of the exposure, moral corruptions can be easily induced.

Moreover, whether or not the claims Rorty makes for criticism are justified, there are several reasons why it would not be inappropriate for literary theory to play a central role in the emerging genre of “theory”. 而且,不论罗蒂对批评的观点是否有充分理由,有几条理由说明为什么文学理论不适合在正在出现的这个“理论”文类里担当中心角色(再提醒一下,卡勒在这篇文章里反复强调的是“批评理论”,它具有自身的独异性——译注)。
Moreover, while modernrelative to existing Chinese systems, current acquisitions from Russia are not as capable as the comparable systems fielded by the United States or even Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan (in some areas). 此外,“现代化”也是相对于中国现有的装备而言,目前从俄罗斯的订货同美国,甚至是日本、南韩、或台湾(在某些领域)所部署的系统相比就不那么先进了。
Moreover, while changing link state of equipments between power line, generatrix, transformer and generator which are manipulated by JiangSu province's control center and bidding and retreating correlated relay protector and automatic safty safeguard,proj 项目公司在改变由江苏中调调度的线路、母线、变压器、发电机之间的设备连接状态和投退有关继电保护和安全自动装置时,应服从调度规程的有关规定。
Moreover, with The Shanghai Literature &Art Publishing House and Beijing Education Publishing House have co-published oil painting albums named 《Golden Jiya River》;《Duan zhengqu》; 《Three kinds of eyesight》;《Segment?Measurement—paintings of figurative expr 并与上海文艺出版社、北京教育出版社、中国美院出版社合作出版《金色吉雅河》、《段正渠》、《三种目光》、《片段?尺度——具象表现绘画展》、《浮生意象》、《三种记忆》等油画集。
Moreover, with introducing digital signature and digital timestamp into the watermarking scheme, One can use the public keys to extract the watermark without the involvement of the owner. 另外,通过在系统中引入数字签名技术和时间戳机制,任何人都可以根据公钥提取水印。
Moreover, with the analysis of its utility function, due to low current utility, poor inspection ability and less loss of the exposure, moral corruptions can be easily induced. 而且通过对资产管理公司效用函数分析后发现,由于资产管理公司现有效用较低、监督约束能力较弱以及败德行为暴露后效用损失较小,也容易引发其败德行为。
Moreover, with the inherent gift to vividly see the world of Spirit, you are able to converse freely with your beloved departed ones as well as with the Spiritual Hierarchy. 此外,用天赋才能生动地看见灵魂世界,你可以自由地与你所爱的已故的人以及灵魂层次交谈。
Moreover, women's colleges and universities and women's studies have developed vigorously. 要进一步加大法律政策的执行力度,将男女平等意识纳入教育决策主流。
Moreover, wooden walking horses invented by Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdom Period (220 - 280), automatic horse made by craftsman Yu Lingyu of the Qi of the Southern Dynasties (479 - 502), wood beaver that could fish and then emerge from the water by 另外,三国时的诸葛亮制作的木牛流马;南北朝南奇巧匠俞灵韵的机器马;隋唐时王琚用轻质木料制作的机械水獭,不仅能够在水中捕鱼,捕到鱼后还会自动浮出水面;宋代沈括的《梦溪笔谈》中的木抓鼠等,都和机器人有着异曲同工之妙。
Moreover, you can choose colleges that are alternatives themselves. 你甚至还可以选择本身就十分另类的学校。
Moreover, you haven't brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. 14并且你没有将我们领到流奶与蜜之地,也没有把田地和葡萄园给我们为业。

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