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On September 19th, 1777, during the Revolutionary War, American soldiers won the first Battle of Saratoga.

On September 13, 1915, Durant incorporates Chevrolet Motor Co. of Delaware. The new corporation includes the original Chevrolet Motor Company and becomes a holding company for auto companies. 在1915年9月13日杜兰特将特拉华的雪佛兰汽车合并.新公司包括原来的雪佛兰汽车公司并成为控股公司.
On September 15, 2006, Cassini revealed a new diffuse ring at Saturn, coincident with the orbits of Janus and Epimetheus. 2006年9月15日,卡西尼号显示出土星的一个新环,其轨道与土卫十和土卫十一相符。
On September 16, 1999, the Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation co-sponsored the Los angeles performance of the Blue sky Children's Art Ensemble. 1999年12月16日,美中航空历史遗产基金会协办了该艺术团在洛杉矶的演出。
On September 18, 1950, the Los Angeles Baptist Association opened the doors of California Baptist College in El Monte to 120 students who came seeking a liberal arts education in a Christian environment. 1950年9月18日,洛杉机浸信协会为120多名为了寻求在基督教环境下自由艺术教育的学生开办了艾尔蒙特加州浸会学院。
On September 19, 1958, the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic was formed. 阿尔及利亚人民经过8年的民族独立斗争,终于赢得了独立。
On September 19th, 1777, during the Revolutionary War, American soldiers won the first Battle of Saratoga. 1777年7月19日,美国士兵在革命战争中赢得了萨拉托加的第一胜利.
On September 1st 1904, at the age of 24, Helen graduated from Radcliffe magna cum laude with distinction. 1904年9月1日24岁的海伦?凯勒克服生理障碍,光荣地自马萨诸塞州拉德克利夫学院毕业。
On September 2, 1882, the Central Labor Union staged a parade and celebration in New York City. 在1882年9月2日,中央工会在纽约筹划了阅兵以及庆祝仪式。
On September 20th Japan's Liberal Democratic Party will elect a new leader to replace Junichiro Koizumi, who will formally stand down as prime minister at the end of the month. 9月20日日本自民党将选出一位新领导人取代小泉,小泉在月底将以首相身份正是引退。
On September 22, Procter &Gamble suspended the sale of its SK-II skincare products in China and closed counters selling the beauty line. 9月22号宝洁公司停止在中国地区销售SK-II护肤品,也撤销了他们的美容专柜。
On September 23rd and 24th, 1998, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra performed a recital of a work by Hsu Tsang-Huei , entitled “The Beautiful Thoughts of A Maestro at the End of a Century,” to pay tribute to this great contemporary composer and music 87年9月23、24日国立台湾交响乐团「世纪末大师的绮思」许常惠教授作品演奏会,向这位毕生致力于以传统音乐为泉源的现代音乐大师,献上最高的敬意。

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