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One tree fell onto the house and one of its branches broke the bed in which the daughter had been sleeping.

One trade barrier can beget another. Developing nations respond to the farm subsidies with import tariffs on non-farm products from industrialized countries. 一个贸易壁垒会引发另一个贸易壁垒的产生。发展中国家通过向工业国家征收非农产品的进口关税来回应农业补贴。
One trainee to be MC Manager, one to be VIP, to show the whole procedure, then give advice. 一个学员做公关部经理,一个学员做贵宾,演习整个程序,然后给出建议。
One trajectory measures the ability of customers toutilize the product improvements introduced by manufacturers. 其中一种类型的轨迹是测量消费者对制造商提供的产品改进性能的利用能力。
One trash can will be for rubbish or trash. 一个垃圾桶是用来盛放垃圾或废物的。
One tree does not make a forest. 独木不成林.
One tree fell onto the house and one of its branches broke the bed in which the daughter had been sleeping. 一棵树倒在屋顶上,一根树枝把女儿原来睡的床砸断了。
One trend in the expression of this individualism is the personalized vows written for one's own wedding ceremony. 而表现个人主义的一个趋势,就是婚礼上有深具个性化的誓词。
One trouble with being an atheist is that you have nobody to talk when you are alone. 当一个无神论者的一项麻烦就是孤单独处时,无人可以倾诉。
One true love in my life for eternity. 我一生中永恒的真爱。
One turret and no turret are unbalanced. Those who dare to break the balance, shall be punished by balance itself. 妙拉卡]一个炮塔和没有炮塔都是不平衡的。凡破坏平衡者,必将受到平衡之反噬。
One turret and non-turret are unbalanced. Every destruction of balance, will certainly to receive a counter-accusation by balance. 一个炮塔和没有炮塔都是不平衡的。凡破坏平衡者,必将受到平衡之反噬。

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