Cattle baron George Washington McLintock fights his wife, his daughter, and political land-grabbers, finally tamingthem all in this Western comedy with Taming of the Shrew overtones.
这部西部喜剧和莎士比亚经典名剧‘驯悍记’有异曲同工之妙,里面的养牛大亨和妻子、女儿,和利用政治手段掠夺土地者争斗,而最后一一驯服他们。 |
Cattle can nuzzle ball without harm to, or activation of, valve.
牲畜可以用鼻子触动球而不会被伤害,或启动阀门。 |
Cattle enjoy grazing on the tall grass prairie, where places like the Z-Bar Ranch set fires every spring.
牛群在茂盛的斯普林牧场上享用着牧草,像这样的牧场每年春天都会放火燃烧牧场。 |
Cattle feed chiefly on grass.
牛主要以草为食。 |
Cattle lying down indicate rain.
牛躺下预示有雨。 |
Cattle were allowed to graze on the village common.
村里公地原来允许放牧。 |
Catwoman: White Russian, no ice, hold the vodka... hold the Kahlua.
猫女:“白俄罗斯人,不加冰,不加伏特加...不加卡鲁瓦。” |
Cat,cat,catches that fat bad rat.
猫儿,猫儿,快抓住那只又肥又坏的老鼠。 |
Cat:Fella, take it easy! The bullets are still in my hands, young man!
猫:老兄,悠着点,子弹还在我这儿呢,年轻人! |
Caucasian, USA, female, Hero: I thought he was a beautiful man with gorgeous eyes.
白人,美国,女,看的第一部他的电影是《英雄》。我觉得他是一个有着无与伦比美丽眼睛的英俊男人。 |
Caucasian: from Europe; white skin; blonde, red or brown hair; political, science, business and art.
白种人:来自欧洲,白皮肤,浅黄色、红色或棕色头发,主要从事政治、科学、商业和艺术等职业。 |