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Every year, millions of couples battle infertility.

Every year, diabetes contributes to over 224,000 deaths. 每年死于糖尿病的人将超过22万4千人。
Every year, he and his friends would go to summer camp. 每年,他和朋友们都要去夏令营。
Every year, hundreds of Rotaract clubs submit details about their exceptional service projects to Rotary International. 每年,数百个扶轮青年服务团将他们的特别的服务计画的细节提交给国际扶轮。
Every year, in the Antarctic, an incredible love story occurs between thousands of small, cuddly penguins. 在南极洲,每年都有成千上万只小巧可爱的企鹅,演绎着一个个令人难以置信的爱情故事。
Every year, many companies lose millions (and sometimes billions) of dollars due to corporate spies. 每一年,很多公司由于公司间谍而损失数百万(有时数十亿)美元。
Every year, millions of couples battle infertility. 每年都有无数夫妇与不孕症斗争。
Every year, millions of people parade down Fifth Avenue to express their distinctive ideas and rich traditions to the public. 每一年都有数百万人在第五大道上游行,向公众展示其与众不同的理念和丰富的传统。
Every year, more than one million hectares of rain forest are cleared in Indonesia. 在印尼,每年被毁坏的雨林超过百万公顷。
Every year, music fans long for the ideal summer song. 每年,音乐迷们盼望着在夏天出现一首理想中的歌曲。
Every year, the Department of Energy has to certify to the U.S. president that the missiles are safe and in working order. 每年,能源部都要向美国总统证明美国的导弹是安全的,它们正在正常工作。
Every year, the awards are won by the same people. Predicting award winners has become an exercise in futility. 每年,这些奖座都颁给同样一批人,得奖预测变成无谓的工作。

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